Yeah now that I'm sitting in this little couch, a little reflection goes a long way right?
I'd say today was the best flight ride ever, non peak period. I had like 3 seats to myself, really comfy ride. The flight had like only 20 seats filled out of say 300? A lady on the other aisle even lied down to sleep during the flight. power -.- Started watching Front of the Class, instead of skipping the parts that I've missed during the camp, I decided to watch it all over again. Of course it didn't fail to amaze me, Brad Cohen's attitude in life but today I saw something new. It was the same scene, but it was new. He looked at how strangers could accept him without him even explaining about his disease and gladly accept the fact that when others could not accept him, he would still not be resentful.
Hope is an hard habit to break - Brad Cohen
Oh, did I mention I got a lovely letter from a dear friend. It made me grin like an idiot during the flight, my mother thought what had happened to me. Haha. At some point it mentioned about shit life, your life's great and you know it right? <: IF YOU DON'T I WOULD SHOW YOU WHAT'S SHIT LIFE! WATCH OUT.
The flight was rather a short one, didn't felt like one and a half hours at all. So I dragged my zombified self out of the seat and cleared the customs. Taxi trip to hotel? No idea, slept all the way.
Went to WTC mangga dua Square for lunch, had A&W, something that most Singaporeans would miss. After lunch we went shopping for food clothes and other random stuffs. Went back to hotel for a short nap and wash up there after.
Alright I have no idea what to blog about. :( I'd do a make up when I'm there.
Then we went out later in the evening, looking for food, this time we traveled by foot it is then did I saw something so inspiring to blog about. I saw kids, kids at the age of 8-10? working at a shop along the streets. Somehow I thought about what you said about your life in Indonesia when you were younger. SEE I DIDN'T LIE. The kids were rather happy, I could see their happy faces from afar, even in such conditions they could find joy. Maybe, if Singaporean kids were to be replaced by them, I would say that many would whine and blame it all to whosoever.
Life life life, life would be so much easier if I could live with my loved ones in the simple planes of green shades.
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