Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letters To Heaven

Heeeeeeeey. How are you doing? Its almost the 19th year since you first saw me. I must have brought you so much smile since mummy always told me how much you wanted a boy. I miss you so much. How I wish you were right here right now, with us celebrating my birthday as a family. If only words could bring you back, how I wish that would really happen. I guess life would really be that different, maybe I would've persuaded you to quit smoking by now. Maybe I would've gotten encouragement, love and care from you. Maybe I would've you to share my the joy of my future achievements with.

To be honest, trying to recall the time I had with you were as though chasing a fleeting shadow on a cloudy day. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to remember any of it. That must have been what the pain we have gone through to let you go. But, I'm sure it was time well spent. Two years, seeing me grow everyday, working hard just to provide for me, I'm sure you must have loved me a lot right? Yeah... I'm sure.
I love you too.

I guess it would've been known by you by now that I'm an ambitious person. I don't want to live the life as a majority. I want to be someone special. They all say that people my age are all ambitious, and that the majority would wake up from their dream by the age of 35. But I wouldn't give up chasing my dream, let that be a promise to you. I will be successful. One day, when I grow old, maybe I would fumble through this post and realise that it was you that have given me strength to press on. It was you that made me whom I am today, and that it was you that made me to whom I am in the future.