Thursday, January 23, 2014

Life is good.

Life is always good because I have a vrry good girlfriend.

The end.

Friday, October 4, 2013

What the hell

Crying for the fucking dumbest reason. And I dont even know why.

Can someone please tell me what is happening? Coz I feel like dying right now.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

If my life was a storybook

I wonder which genre it would be. Would you be in that story. Or would you be the protagonist that would give me a sweet warm home or an antagonist that would make my life meaningless or would you be a nobody.

If only we knew, right?

Melding the sadness

I wonder why am I so particularly disturbed tonight. Maybe I might be suffering from an emotional breakdown.

It's as though I don't understand how this world works anymore, 19 years and growing yet I still have no clue. There's just so much question on my mind right now. So much so that all these unhappy thoughts are lurking in and I'm torn asunder.

They say relationships grows a person, yet I have no clue as to what might happen in the future, I can't differentiate what's right or wrong anymore. I'm lost. The next step seems too far away to even vision in my mind.

I realised I never had to handle failures in a way that many other people faces problem with. But disappointment is something I can't seem to adapt with, it feels surreal yet in reality it is there. Real, deadly and painful.

I wonder how long would this feeling linger, may it be gone soon and let me have peace. Life would've been so much better if there were someone whom truly understands.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

If you could see me.

Dear you,

Sorry for walking away like that. I couldn't face it.

I'm extremely upset that im treated like this, it feels as though whats left of my little positivity is slowly being drained away. I don't really mind if anyone said those words to me, it doesn't really matter. But you're my emotional support, my partner, I expect you to give me that support I need. Not to run me down like this, fine, you may say that it was mean't to be a joke. It hurts.

So please, if you're not gonna encourage me, please do not criticize me.

oh well, if you see this give me a call or sth?

love you.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letters To Heaven

Heeeeeeeey. How are you doing? Its almost the 19th year since you first saw me. I must have brought you so much smile since mummy always told me how much you wanted a boy. I miss you so much. How I wish you were right here right now, with us celebrating my birthday as a family. If only words could bring you back, how I wish that would really happen. I guess life would really be that different, maybe I would've persuaded you to quit smoking by now. Maybe I would've gotten encouragement, love and care from you. Maybe I would've you to share my the joy of my future achievements with.

To be honest, trying to recall the time I had with you were as though chasing a fleeting shadow on a cloudy day. No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to remember any of it. That must have been what the pain we have gone through to let you go. But, I'm sure it was time well spent. Two years, seeing me grow everyday, working hard just to provide for me, I'm sure you must have loved me a lot right? Yeah... I'm sure.
I love you too.

I guess it would've been known by you by now that I'm an ambitious person. I don't want to live the life as a majority. I want to be someone special. They all say that people my age are all ambitious, and that the majority would wake up from their dream by the age of 35. But I wouldn't give up chasing my dream, let that be a promise to you. I will be successful. One day, when I grow old, maybe I would fumble through this post and realise that it was you that have given me strength to press on. It was you that made me whom I am today, and that it was you that made me to whom I am in the future.

Saturday, April 20, 2013